3/19/22 - This site is going to go through a total rehaul real soon. Anyhoo, updated some of the links below.
3/14/22 - FIXED THE ART PAGES OMG. I can't believe I didn't notice they weren't loading! Also thanks to bogleech/stinkyhat@tumblr for linking my site in a post! I got SOOO many visitors! Thank you all for your lovely comments and for visiting my site! ♥
1/5/22 - Added several new links down in the mutuals and other sites :)
1/4/22 - Happy new year! I added about 80 images to the random images page. See if you can find them :)
12/21/21 - Gave the Links page a redo and it's own tiny site. It's not anywhere close to being done. Expect a new layout soon. Well, this layout with different colors and a different background. lol. *lazy*
12/19/21 - Gave Pixels, Toybox, and Mp3 rotation their own little mini-sites. The layouts are OLD from 2010 and 2016. I like them though so I won't change them.
12/16/21 - Updated the Mp3 rotation ^_^
11/28/21 - Updated the Mp3 rotation for the first time since June!
10/21/21 - I'm alive! I finished my Junko Furuta tribute page! I'm going to totally redo the links page next.
8/26/21 - Wow, haven't updated for over a month, and completely forgot the Mp3 rotation. I have just been...exhausted. I don't even want to open my laptop. Anyhow, I'll upload a new song Saturday night or Sunday :3 I hope you are all doing well!
7/24/21 - Updated the Mp3 rotation :3
7/6/21 - Went ahead and updated the Mp3 rotation because I won't be here Saturday or Sunday, as I'm leaving for the beach finally :D
6/22/21 - Updated the Mp3 rotation a bit late this time D:
6/14/21 - Added one video to the AMVs page.
6/9/21 - Added a page of Interesting Videos!
6/5/21 - Updated the Mp3 rotation :3
5/30/21 - Added two more videos to the AMVs page.
5/24/21 - Added two videos to the AMVs page.
5/20/21 - Added some bishie claims and one new award winner!
5/17/21 - Updated the Mp3 rotation!
5/13/21 - Added a page for my (hopefully) upcoming online comic.
5/6/21 - Added a page of my Favorite Anime Music Videos under Collections. Take a look :D Also added some links at the bottom as well as three new link me buttons. :3

5/3/21 - Updated the Mp3 rotation and fixed the previous one, which had an error in the link.
4/29/21 - Opened my cliques collective which is now hosted on Neocities! Take a look, you might want to join one :D
4/23/21 - Won three new awards! Thank you Scerika! I also added some stickers to my sticker book!
4/17/21 - Updated the Mp3 rotation!
4/17/21 - Added a bunch of links down at the bottom. :)
4/16/21 - As you will notice, I have changed my name. I guess I just don't want to go by my real name anymore. Also cleaned up dead links and changed the sidebar a little.
4/4/21 - Updated the Mp3 rotation with a good one!
3/20/21 - Updated the Mp3 rotation :)
3/11/21 - Wow I forgot again. well, I uploaded a Megumi song for ya!
2/23/21 - I believe I forgot to update the Mp3 rotation again, so here it is :3
2/8/21 - Updated the MP3 rotation!
2/4/21 - Finally added to the Stickers page.
1/24/21 - Updated the MP3 rotation with some VGM!
1/21/21 - Added a bunch of Backgrounds :3
1/15/21 - I made two more buttons :3

1/10/21 - Updated the Mp3 Rotation. Also I added the link to my 3D & animation art Tumblr to the sidebar, I hope if you have a tumblr that you will follow me, even though I haven't posted anything yet! Here it is - Soba City. I am enamoured of .city domains and Japanese food names, as you can see :3
1/9/21 - New domain is up :D And new buttons!

1/8/21 - DOMAIN & NAME CHANGE COMING UP! Don't be too surprised! :D New domain is sukiyaki.city as soon as I figure out how to fricken configure it with Neocities. Support had to do it for me last time >_>; I'll have everything redirected so you don't have to change your links, although I'd really appreciate if you did! And of course, a new button will be made which I hope my affies/mutuals will use, but it's no biggie if ya don't. I also got a new domain for my 3D art, which I am in the beginner stage of learning. I will add it on the sidebar when, once again, I get it configured with Neocities.
1/2/21 - New layout. The background is from Sonic the Hedgehog 2, the Casino Night Zone level. I also won two new awards! Happy New Year! :D
12/27/20 - Added a Random Image page, for fun. Credit to Pete's site for that idea. Updated the Mp3 Rotation with a Sailor Moon song you might not have heard! :D Rearranged the menu bar and added some stuff too.
12/25/20 - Merry Christmas!
12/13/20 - Updated the MP3 Rotation with a really good song :)
12/7/20 - I found my old sticker albums, so I'm making them available to put in your virtual sticker album! Might take me a while, so check back :)
12/2/20 - Welp, forgot to update the mp3 rotation again. Here's a new song for ya!
11/27/20 - Added one new award to apply for, the Eclectic site award. :)
11/21/20 - Added one new award to apply for, and new winners!
11/18/20 - Added five Awards for you to apply for!
11/15/20 - Updated the Mp3 Rotation and added an Awards page in the For You section. Still working on it!
11/10/20 - Added a Sticker Album and changed the layout :) Also thought I'd plug my newest clique, Listening. Join and show what artist/song you're listening to!
10/31/20 - A Hallowe'en update to the Mp3 Rotation!
10/27/20 - Shoot, I forgot to update the Mp3 rotation again. Anyhoo, it's updated now.
10/15/20 - 28 new Hallowe'en icons!
10/11/20 - Updated the MP3 rotation!
10/8/20 - New Fall icons, and a few in Animals too (black cats!)...I hope you like them ^_^ I tried to make the fall icons as warm and cozy as possible, I hope someone gets some use out of them!
9/30/20 - I want to completely overhaul this site but I don't even know where to start regarding the layout...
9/23/20 - Added a bunch of links to the affies/mutuals sidebar.
9/20/20 - Updated the MP3 rotation :3
9/9/20 - Forgot to update the MP3 rotation! Here it is.
9/4/20 - Finally got the Oekaki page done.
8/30/20 - Added 4 new bishie claims, and one affiliate :D
8/27/20 - Added 8 new adoptables!
8/23/20 - Updated the MP3 rotation.
8/22/20 - Added the link to my newly re-started Music Blog.
8/14/20 - Added a page of backgrounds I made a while back.
8/12/20 - Added a bunch of links to the affies/mutuals sidebar!
8/9/20 - Updated the MP3 rotation :3
7/26/20 - Updated the MP3 rotation!
7/21/20 - 28 new icons in the Sailor Moon category :)
7/12/20 - Updated the MP3 Rotation!
7/2/20 - Added affies and link exchanges to the right, instead of on the links page. :)
6/30/20 - Added the link to my blog under "personal".
6/28/20 - New song on the MP3 Rotation! I decided to update it every other Saturday. A couple hours late on this one lol
6/16/20 - Added a new song to the MP3 Rotation :D
6/7/20 - Added a page of Time killers. Basically a bunch of stuff to read when you're bored :) I'm still adding to it so check back!
5/15/20 - Added an MP3 Rotation! The first song is already up for download. I hope you enjoy it :D
5/14/20 - I won SOTM @ Nightmare Fantasmic! Added my award on the awards page :D Also added another bishie claim!
5/13/20 - Added a couple of bishie claims :D
5/1/20 - Completed the move to neocities :) Here is my Neocities Profile, follow me!
4/24/20 - Happy birthday to me, I'm still old. XD Moved to karasu.me since it finally expired and I was able to get it :D New layout, and added a page for my PNGs.
4/20/20 - Added some Color Schemes!
4/9/20 - Thank you Kei for giving me an award! You can see it in the 'personal' section :D
4/8/20 - I joined Nightmare Fantasmic's SOTM contest! I'll let you all know when voting starts so you will (hopefully) vote for me. :) Once again, stay safe and take care of yourselves!
3/25/20 - Haven't had anything to update for a while. I hope you are all staying safe out there.

2/14/20 - Added new cyberstamps! Also in internet nostalgia news, I resurrected an old clique I opened in 2003, old layout and all. It got almost 500 members but closed in 2005. It's called Ninin Naruto. The purpose is to join and list your fav Naruto pairing. It's really meant as a slice of internet history and nostalgia, and for posterity, but it is also joinable!
2/10/20 - Added new collected cyberstamps!
2/6/20 - Added a bunch of stamps in the "for you" section :3 Also added a bunch of pixels.
2/3/20 - Added Cyberstamps page, and some stamps! Also I now have a "trade" section on the menu.
1/31/20 - Added two new link exchanges :D
1/29/20 - Added the Pocket Bishoujo, Swapex, and Joined & Listed pages. I already want to make a new layout. Argh. Didn't really make a new layout, just changed the images.
1/24/20 - Added some claims to the Claim-a-Bish page! :D Also worked on the OCs page.
1/23/20 - Added the "Claim-a-bish" page.
1/19/20 - Added several pages: Playlists, Fanlistings, Claims, Pocket Bishounen and Site-ID TCG.
1/15/20 - Added a bunch of stuff.
1/12/20 - Finished the photography pages. Added Adoptable Pets, Stamps, Resources, and added more art. Added the Non-Anime and Photomanipulations art pages.
1/9/20 - Added a bunch of photos in "Cemeteries & Churches". Also added the "Adoptables" and "Stamps" pages and one affiliate! And for some reason, my cbox is malfunctioning.
1/4/20 - Added a bunch of pixels in adopted. Added the Gifs I Made page (lots of Sailor Moon!) and the Music page.
1/1/20 - Trying to get as much done as I can over the last few days. Art pages are up.